The Hall Of Horrors is an interesting natural attraction in Joshua Tree National Park that certainly is a thrill to experience! This point of interest is located on Park Road just little bit west of Skull Rock and the signage is easy to spot. Facilities can be found in the parking area and there is a kiosk with information pertaining to this being an environmentally sensitive area. Staying on the trails is the main thing to keep in mind when exploring this strange place, but the paths do meander all over the grounds, so there are plenty of interesting sights to see. It is the precariously perched round boulders wedged high in the solid rock crags that lend the name to this place. In fact, the entire Hall Of Horrors area actually resembles some kind of a massive ancient booby trap. There are literally dozens of big round boulders that are dangerously positioned high on the rocks that look as if one false move could possibly cause them to tumble down. This is not exactly a safe place to be during an earthquake and the suspicious looking balanced rocks do have a way of intimidating visitors. The actual Hall Of Horrors geological feature is a narrow crevice that has several round boulders wedged between solid walls of bedrock overhead. A trail runs underneath the boulder booby traps and this path truly is a rite of passage for overcoming fears. Only the entrance area is pictured in the photo album, so this thrilling point of interest will be a total surprise when visiting this unique place. The Hall Of Horrors most definitely is a natural choice for a Halloween season hike, so be sure to chalk this Joshua Tree National Park destination high on the list!
Leave no trace!
Destination West YouTube channel! *The Destination West website upgrading project is well underway. Unique YouTube slideshows are replacing the outdated Flickr photo galleries. The new videos feature modern graphics and alternative music instrumentals that enhance the viewing experience. Some articles are being condensed, while others are getting much needed edits. As everybody knows, the bulk of the original articles and photos were published on the fly during the Covid camping venture and there were limitations. Upgrading is the way to go and more articles will receive a makeover each week until this project is completed. After that, I will be able to gather new material. There is light at the end of the tunnel!
JD Lane Archives
December 2024
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